Is Praise & Worship “Too Churchy” for so-called Awakened Israelites?

I’ve seen Israelites ridicule praise and worship in some congregations by calling it “Too churchy”. Well these individuals do err because they’ve never taken the time to learn scriptures for themselves in Ancient Hebrew. Praise and worship is the most vital tool in spiritual warfare, and it’s also how you literally harvest the “Fruits of the Spirit”. Don’t believe me? Read more…

The Tabernacle of David: Are “Blacks” in the Americas & Carribean Descendants of King David?

Negro descendants of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Holocaust are suffering from cultural amnesia imposed upon them from their oppressors. The magnitude of damages done to the psyche of our people cannot be quantified without including it’s ramifications on the financial, medical, social, psychological, metaphysical, & spiritual realms. Everyone has their own way of dealing with this trauma, including but not limited Read more…